We supply organic Juices - Controlled by: CCPB Certificate of Conformity Reg. CE 834/2007

Products - Citrus

  • Lemon

    Single strength (NFC) natural juice, cloudy and clear
    Juice concentrate, cloudy and clear
    Packaging options: frozen at –18°
    Aseptic in bag-in-box @ 20 Kg
    Aseptic bag-in-drum @ 200 litres with double polythene bag

  • Blond Orange

    Single strength (NFC) natural juice, cloudy and clear
    Juice concentrate extra - cloudy for drinks
    Pulp concentrate for pulpy drinks
    Packaging options: frozen at –18°
    Aseptic in bag-in-box @ 20 Kg
    Aseptic bag-in-drum @ 200 litres with double polythene bag

  • blood-orangeBlood Orange

    Single strength (NFC) natural juice, cloudy and clear
    Juice concentrate extra - cloudy for drinks
    Pulp concentrate for pulpy drinks
    Packaging options: frozen at –18°
    Aseptic in bag-in-box @ 20 Kg
    Aseptic bag-in-drum @ 200 litres with double polythene bag
    Pails @ 20 Kg

  • mandarin juiceMandarin

    Juice concentrate cloudy
    Packaging options: frozen at -18°
    Aseptic in bag-in-box @ 20 kg
    Aseptic bag-in-drum @ 200 litres with double polythene bag

  • bergamotBergamot

    Single strength (NFC) natural juice, cloudy and clear
    Juice concentrate, cloudy and clear
    Packaging options: frozen at –18°
    Aseptic in bag-in-box @ 20 Kg
    Aseptic bag-in-drum @ 200 litres with double polythene bag



    And Also:

    Bases for Beverages / Soft Drinks
    Bases for clear soft drinks • Bases for cloudy fruit juice drinks • Bases for carbonated drinks
    Essential oils
    Blond orange • Blood orange • Bitter Orange • Lemon • Mandarin • Bergamot
    Packaging options: cans @ 25 – 50 – 100 – 180 Kg.
    Fruit Flavourings
    Citrus fruit (Orange, Lemon, Mandarin, Citrus Mix) For soft drinks and fruit nectar


Stolichna 150 Vassil Levski Blvd
ph.: +35 987 747 7220

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