We supply organic Juices - Controlled by: CCPB Certificate of Conformity Reg. CE 834/2007

Products - Fruits

  • plum juicePrugna - Plum

    Single strength puree
    Puree conc. 30-36°bx
    Whole frozen IQF
    Puree or pulp frozen
    Halves frozen IQF
    Dices IQF frozen

  • strawberryStrawberry

    Puree 7° bx Purea
    Puree 10° bx 
    Puree conc. 21° bx Succo
    Juice conc. 65° bx 
    Whole IQF frozen
    Dices IQF frozen
    Puree or pulp frozen

  • blood-orangeTomato

    Juice 5° bx 
    Half conc. 12° bx 
    Double conc. 28-30° bx
    Triple conc. 36-38° bx
    Peeled tomatoes/Puree/Sauces with herbes tinned

  • sweetcherry juiceSweet cherry

    Whole pitted IQF frozen
    Puree or pulp frozen
    Juice NFCPuree or pulp frozen

  • grape

    NFC Grape juice
    Grape juice conc.

  • lamponeLampone

    Whole frozen IQF
    Single strength puree

  • blackcurrantBlackcurrant

    Whole Frozen IQF

  • apricot juiceApricot

    Halves IQF frozen
    Puree or pulp frozen
    Single strength puree
    Puree conc. 20°bx
    Puree conc. 30-32° bx
    lrregular pieces IQF frozen
    Dices IQF frozen

  • Peach

    Frozen irregular pieces
    Dices or slices frozen
    Under syrup
    Puree or pulp frozen
    Single strength puree
    Puree conc. 20°bx
    puree conc. 30-32°bx

  • blood-orangeApple

    Single strength puree
    Puree conc. 20°bx
    Puree conc. 30-32°bx
    Fresh for processing

  • sweetcherry juiceKiwi

    Dices IQF frozen
    Irregular pieces IQF frozen
    Puree or pulp frozen
    Puree in aseptic

  • peraPear

    Single strength puree
    Puree conc. 20°bx
    Puree conc. 30-32°bx
    Fresh for processing
    Dices or slices IQF

  • blueberry juiceBlueberry

    Whole frozen IQF 
    Juice conc. 70°bx

  • sourcherrySourcherry

    Whole Pitted IQF frozen
    Puree or pulp frozen
    Juice conc. 65°bx
    Puree conc. 28°bx

  • Mango juiceMango

    Single strength puree
     Puree conc. 28°bx

  • ananas juiceAnanas

    Frozen irregular pieces


Stolichna 150 Vassil Levski Blvd
ph.: +35 987 747 7220

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