We supply organic Juices - Controlled by: CCPB Certificate of Conformity Reg. CE 834/2007

Products - Vegetables

  • celeryFlavourings for vegetable purees and juices

    Garlic | Carrot | Onion | Mushroom | Green and Black Olive | Tomato | Celery | Truffle

  • puree of vegetablesVegetables Purees

    Broccoli puree | Potato puree | Pumpkin puree | Carrot puree | Pea puree | Fennel puree | Spinach puree | Zucchini puree | Carrot juice | Cauliflower puree | Green beans puree | Corn puree | Parsnip puree | Turnip puree


Stolichna 150 Vassil Levski Blvd
ph.: +35 987 747 7220

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